Members of our Steering Committee help promote, advertise and support the WINPL Conference in a variety of ways.
2019 Steering Committee
Mindy Aldridge
President, The Nelson Foundation
Jennifer Alleva
Managing Partner, Your Part-Time Controller, LLC
Raquel Arredondo
Associate Director Outreach, Engagement & Professional Development, Drexel University
Lisa Auerbach
Interim CFO, Congreso de Latinos Unidos
Deborah Bagatta-Bowles
President & CEO, YMCA of Delaware
Hillary Baker
Manager, Corporate Underwriting, WHYY
Marion Biglan
Founder & Principal, MHBiglan Consulting, LLC
Keir Bradford-Grey
Chief Defender, Defender Association of Philadelphia
Chenora Burkett
CAO, United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey
Chris Cavalieri
Coach. Consultant. Facilitator., WorkWhile Life
Nina Cohen
Director of Endowment & Foundation Advisory, Glenmede
Lauren Cristella
Chief Advancement Officer, Committee of Seventy
Mary Dagney
HR Manager, Your Part-Time Controller, LLC
Beth Dahle
Executive Director, Compass
Alison DiFlorio
Managing Partner Human Capital Division, Exude
Jerilyn Dressler
Associate, Your Part-Time Controller, LLC
Ashley Feuer-Edwards
Founder and Principal, AFE Strategies
Sharlene Goldfischer
Principal and Owner, Quintessence Coaching
Jessica Hilburn-Holmes
Executive Director, Philadephia Bar Foundation
Uneeka Jay
Founder and President, Rewrite 365
Maud Lyon
President, Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance
Ellen Marshall
Erin McClafferty
Practice Development Director, BBD, LLP
Andi McGunnigle
Senior Manager, Your Part-Time Controller, LLC
Denise McKnight
Partner, Friedman LLP
Maureen McVail
Special Project Manager, Drexel University - Institute for Women's Health and Leadership
Heidi Pelczar
Chief Operating Officer, Your Part-Time Controller, LLC
Cynthia Pritchard
President and CEO, Philanthropy Delaware
Jennifer Reid
Director of Labor and Delivery, Tapp Network
Melanie Richter
Senior Director of Development, Project HOME
Marci Schankweiler
CEO, For Pete's Sake Cancer Respite Fdn
Michele A. Schiavoni
Director External Relations, Marketing, Delaware Prosperity Partnership
Lynn Schwartz
Philanthropy & Business Development Executive
Nadya K. Shmavonian
Partner, SeaChange Capital Partners & Nonprofit Repositioning Fund
Kate Slattery Parghi
Director of Development
Amy Smith
Principal & Managing Director, Kittleman & Associates
Talia Stinson
Performance Management Analyst, City of Philadelphia
Michelle Tepper
Director, Strategic Relationships, Exude
Collie Turner
Partner, Head of Inspiration, Tapp Network
Renya Wasson
Senior Manager Strategic Initiatives, Camden City School District
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